3-Hour Introduction Workshop
The DataOps Workshop is 3 hours and will be hosted on Zoom or Teams. It will consist of an overview of DataOps as a concept and a platform, as well as a series of guided hands-on activities to highlight the benefits of DataOps.live. The agenda can be found below. The final 30 minutes can be customized to your use case. This is ideal for teams of 15 or less interested in evaluating DataOps.live.
Overview of DataOps Platform
5 minute break
Hands On: Intro to DataOps.live
- Topics Covered: Branching -> Zero Copy Clone
- SOLE (Snowflake Object Lifecycle Engine) Functionality
- MATE (Modelling and Transformation Engine) Functionality:
- Curated Data
- Testing
- Merging and CI/CD
- Documentation
5 minute break
Hands On: Orchestration
- Topics Covered: Adding New Orchestrator
- In Depth Directory Structure Including:
- Stages.yml function and modification
- Pipelines/includes/local_includes
- Adding a new directory for Python Job
- Modifying full-ci.yml
- In Depth Directory Structure Including: